The Two of Them

My childhood was filled with life, love, wonder, and laughter. I remember the time when I would snuggle up in my bed with my sister by my side and my mom would read us a bedtime story. I always loved listening to bedtime stories especially the ones that I really liked. I had many books to choose from. But I remember that I chose The Two of Them by Aliki

the two of them Continue reading

The One that Got Away

I remember the day when we were playing together. I remember all the fun moments we had together. I remember your face when you were smiling. I remember…

It was the first day of kindergarten. I remember sitting on the purple row of the rainbow carpet. I felt everyone’s eyes on me because all the parents were there to see what the first day of school in your lifetime would be like. I was awkward and I was nervous. Then something magical happened. You came along and you plopped down right next to me. You greeted me with your sincere smile and I knew something has changed. Continue reading

Who OWNS you? You or Others?

So almost everyone has been through this stage of realizing who they really are. Sometimes, they are affected by others  and they would always want to impress their “friends” and be like one of the “POPULAR” kids. They want to be like others and not themselves. They may not like themselves either. If you guys are ever in this situation including when you do not like yourself, keep on saying, “I like myself, I like myself, I like myself” in your head. By saying that, you would always be and stay optimistic. I know some people who are pessimistic and that just leads to devastation and a problem to others especially your family members. No matter you may think that you don’t like yourself, but you do. Don’t be too pessimistic and bring yourself down. Be who you are and remember that you can’t change who you are and say this in your head every single day, “I like myself, I like myself, I like myself.” Continue reading

Deep Down Inside is Something You CAN’T Control . . .

“How can you stop one’s feelings for another? How can you stop the blowing wind?” – Admiral Lee Soon Shin (Gu Family Book)

gu family book

So Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. And it is tomorrow! What will you do for your loved ones and that special someone? Usually the week before Valentine’s Day, you were probably trying to make mini gifts for your friends, family, and that special someone. And other times, when you don’t have a special someone and you are single and you like it that way. You won’t have to worry about buying gifts for him or her and you get to spend the whole Valentine’s Day doing whatever you want.

Anything is possible… What will happen on that day? You will never know. Maybe you will meet your special someone out of the blue. Maybe fate is just around the corner. You never know what will happen next. Every second of your life is like a story unfolding a new chapter every page you turn Continue reading