Dear Spider…

rabbit 1

Dear Spider,

I spotted you from afar. You were that little black spot on my white towel. My sister actually spotted you. I checked. Then it was really you! You! You were the one that spun your web next to my decor rabbit. You were the one that invaded my house. You were the little devil that I hate so much! You! Didn’t I tell you to not invade my house again? And anyways you did. So you had to pay the consequences.

“I came, I saw, I conquered.” (“Veni, vidi, vici”) – Julius Caesar

You were my prey. I am your predator. You shouldn’t have came back. I told you so. I’m so sorry for your lost. Just kidding. I’m not.




Who OWNS you? You or Others?

So almost everyone has been through this stage of realizing who they really are. Sometimes, they are affected by others  and they would always want to impress their “friends” and be like one of the “POPULAR” kids. They want to be like others and not themselves. They may not like themselves either. If you guys are ever in this situation including when you do not like yourself, keep on saying, “I like myself, I like myself, I like myself” in your head. By saying that, you would always be and stay optimistic. I know some people who are pessimistic and that just leads to devastation and a problem to others especially your family members. No matter you may think that you don’t like yourself, but you do. Don’t be too pessimistic and bring yourself down. Be who you are and remember that you can’t change who you are and say this in your head every single day, “I like myself, I like myself, I like myself.” Continue reading